Asian Centella


Centella asiatica extract contains asiaticosides and madecassosides which posses stimulant action over the biosynthesis of collagen in the dermal fibroblasts and vein walls.

Effects and indications

Valuable in scarring-related processes, both exess (keloids, hypertrophic scarring) and defective (cutaneous ulcers), as well as in treating ageing due to its high tannin content, in association with other active agents such as sodium pyruvate or organic silica.


The excipient contains propylene glycol, giving an oily appearance although it is totally water-soluble. It is important to dissolve the excipient in all of the mixture to prevent formation of cutaneous ulcers.


2 cc - Organic Silica (or sodium pyruvate)
2 cc - Centella asiatica extract
1 cc - Procaine 2 %

more protocols and product details here

-fortnighly x 5 to 6 consecutive sessions, followed by monthly maintenance

The two formulas are alternated (organic silica and sodium pyruvate) instead of combining both active agents in a single mixture to avoide pharmacological overload.

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