

Diminshes the bioavailability of fatty acids and the glycerol released during the lipolytic process.

Action mechanism

During the lipolysis process, the triglycerides breakdown into two fractions: the glycerolated fraction (which may pass into the blood circulation or incorporate itself into the monophosphate shunt at the hepatic level) and the fatty acids, whick have two main destinations, the blood circulation in the form of NEFA, or they are activated by esterification with the acetyl-coencyme-A. Some of these activated fatty acids will be oxidised, while others are reused in the formation of new triglycerides.

Esterified fatty acids have a limited capacity to penetrate inside the mitochondrion and require a physiological carrier to perform this passage. This transported is carnitine. Once inside the mitochondrion, it transfers the fatty acids and the acetyl-CoA of the fatty acids for oxidation by specific enzymes and then returns to the cellular cytosol to perform the process again. In this way, with the aid of carnitine, the activated fatty acids are diverted towards oxidation and are not emplyed in the neoformation of TGC and, therefore, there is less cystoplasmatic bioavailability of activated fatty acids. For this reason, the name of "fat devouring molecule" given to L-Carnitine is not strictly true, it being more realistic to use the term "fatty acid transporting molecule".
However, in addition, carnitine halts the rate of glycolisis by reducing an intermediate metabolite of the glycolitic sequence and the level of glycerol-3-P. Therefore, carnitine reduces both precursors necessary for the de novo synthesis of TGC.

Because of its action mechanism, it is easy to understand that this is not a lipolytic medication, but an adjuvant to medications that do posses lipolytic action by increasing the intra-adipocytary levels of cAMP.


The Italian School:
5 cc - L-Carnitine (2gr)
0.5 cc - Lidocaine 2%
4.5 cc - physiological saline solution

Alternated in different sessions with purely/vaso-protector mixtures.

Others combined in same syringe:
2 cc - Rutin & Melilot Extract
2 cc - Organic Silica
2 cc - Artichoke Extract
2 cc - L-Carnitine
1 cc - Procaine 2%


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